Radio Control Model Utilities.
Fuel Mix For those who mix their own fuel. Enter the quantity of either the total volume, oil, nitro or methanol. Say what oil and nitro percentage you're running and it'll calculate correct amount of oil, nitro and methanol.
Petrol Oil Ratio Enter the quantity of either the total volume, petrol or oil. Say what ratio you run and it'll calculate correct amount of pertrol and oil.
Gear Ratios Enter your engine and mast teeth. Change the engine and/or head speed to see the effect on the other.
Battery Charge Rate Calculate approximate battery charge rate.
Configuration Enter the prices of fuel and localised volumes (Metric, UK Imperial, US Imperial).
 Full version 99 cents.
 Lite version FREE.
Never be late for the Bus or Train again!
At a glance Timetable will display how long until your next Bus or Train is due to depart.
After entering the timetables of your local services Timetable will dynamically display the next four departure times for all services.
With Timetable you'll never have to leave work early again to make sure you catch that Bus!
This app was written for the users of service companies who havn't yet heard of GPS's and the internet so unfortunately you do have to enter your own services timetable, but only once and hopefully the timetable entry interface makes it easy.
version 1.2 changes (in review now, free update when approved):
- Ability to load timetable data from a web server. You will need to create a text file and place on a web server for download.
version 1.1 changes:
- Display the next four service times on home screen.
- Home screen service times in larger font.
- Press anywhere in info screen to go directly to support web site.
- Minor cosmetic and internal changes.
 Free, version 1.1 currently in review.
Alarm utility.
Allows you to set and save a specified time for an alert.
Can be used for any repeating events; cooking, kids homework, kids computer time, exercising...
Touch the timer name to start the timer or if already started to stop the timer.
Uses local notifications so no matter what else you're doing on your iPhone or Touch you'll always get your alert.
version 1.1 changes (in review now):